Recuperol is specially formulated to help you to rehydrate under various circumstances. Let’s look at the active ingredients and see how they can help you on your road to recovery.


Recuperol has added vitamins. These are nutrients that we need to stay healthy and for our bodies to work properly. There are thirteen vitamins, which we mostly need to obtain from our diets, although under certain circumstances we can make Vitamin D and Vitamin B3 in our bodies.
Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble so that means we can store these in our body and call on them as we need them. Vitamin C and B Vitamins, on the other hand, are water-soluble so that means we can’t store them in our body and instead we must get them more regularly from our food and drink.

We need minerals to keep our bodies functioning properly. We can’t make them so we must obtain them from our diet. They have two important jobs: building (skeleton, soft tissues, blood) and regulating (including water balance, blood pressure, heartbeat, nerve responses).
There are seven minerals that are needed in large quantities (more than 100mg a day) and these are called macrominerals. They are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chloride, potassium and sulphur. Other minerals are needed in very small amounts (15mg or less a day) and are called microminerals or trace minerals. They include iron, zinc, copper, fluoride, chromium, manganese, iodine, selenium and molybdenum. Zinc is a component of Recuperol, and is important for maintaining a normal, healthy immune system.

An electrolyte is something that splits into positive and negative ions when it dissolves in water. The word “electrolyte” might make you think of “electricity” and this puts you on the right track, since they conduct electrical signals around your body, which allow you to breathe, think and move.
Electrolytes are also essential in controlling fluid within the body. The two main fluid compartments are within the body’s cells (intracellular fluid) and outside the cells (extracellular fluid). The extracellular fluid compartment also includes fluid called “plasma” in blood vessels. Typically, in adults, two thirds of the body’s water is inside cells and one third is outside the cells.
Ideally, the electrolyte concentrations within the cells should be the same as that outside the cells. If there is an imbalance, which can be caused by, for example, prolonged exercise or binge-drinking, the way that the balance is restored is by moving water molecules across cell membranes. The main electrolytes found in our bodies are made of sodium, potassium and chloride ions.
Recuperol contains sources of all three of these ions which are involved in balancing the body’s fluids. Interestingly, recent research has highlighted the benefit of taking extra electrolytes in the case of muscle cramps during exercise and if you have ever encountered this painful condition, Recuperol could help.
We can survive without food for many weeks, but after only a few days without fluid, we are in serious trouble. Water makes up around 60% of a man’s weight and about 50% of a woman’s so it’s vital that we take in enough (in food and drink) and that losses are compensated for.
The World Health Organisation explains the effects of even mild dehydration on the body, showing fluid loss as a percentage of body weight.

The water:electrolyte concentrations in the body are usually fine-tuned and in balance but if something happens to knock you out of balance, this can lead to dehydration. Vomiting, diarrhoea, diuretics (substances that get rid of water from the body by increasing urination - alcohol acts as a diuretic), prolonged exercise leading to excessive sweating, travel, and other activities, can all cause dehydration. Then the body works hard to regain the balance by moving water into or out of cells and sending signals to, for example, increase thirst and decrease urination.
Other symptoms of dehydration might include:

Recuperol is dissolved in water, so not only are you replenishing your body’s water level in a tasty way, you are also incorporating the essential electrolytes to help you to regain that important balance.
Please note that if you have any concerns about your general health, including potential electrolyte imbalances, you should consult a doctor.
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